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Private Mortgage Lending Centre
Your National Online Mortgage Broker Centre for Private loans servicing all Australian states:
‘Leasing Finance?’
For all types of leasing finance requirements talk to us!
Private Money Loan Tags
Private funding, Advice, Application, Applying for a home loan, Business Brokers, Business Finance, Bad credit, Basic, Borrowing, brokers, buying a home, Bad Credit Non-Conforming Loans, Choice, Compare mortgages loans, Comparisons, Investment Finance, Costs (home loan), credit, Deposit, equity, Fixed home loans, Getting (home loan, mortgage etc), Car and Equipment leasing.
Private Home Loan Tags
Home Loan Products, Mortgage Centre, home loans, Best (loans / mortgage), Better mortgage rates, Cheap rates, Commercial loans, Commercial rates, Debt consolidation, Finance, Home loans, Interest rates, Lo-doc loans.
Private Money for Commercial
Private Money for Development
Private Money for Construction
Private Money for Short Term
Private Money for Business
Private Money Lending:
Your Alternative Private Loan Funding Source
Private Money Funding up to $100million with quick, knowledgeable and professional representation?
We are the Australia wide resource network centre for Private Money Lenders towards any type of Private Finance requirement or scenario whether you are a private customer or finance broker.(broker inquiry click here )
Our successful method offers you the chance to explain your situation to our associated Private Finance Funders who are interested in lending to you, not just some office worker looking at your credit report.
This gives you a real good chance to get the Private Money Funding you need!
On the whole Private Money Lenders/ Funders are looking for the same information and will conduct a similar due diligence as the banks to make a positive funding decision in a short period of time.
However, a Private Mortgage Loan is designed to suit those customers that fall outside the banks strict lending guidelines or Low Doc & No Doc loan parameters and require a more creative approach to meeting their financial needs short term.
“Where to go...
.....when the bank says "NO"?
Is your current lender threatening to foreclose on your property?
Are you a developer requiring a large construction development loan?
Are you behind on your repayments and need urgent positive assistance?
Need a Short Term Private Mortgage Loan to sort out your immediate personal circumstances?
Do you have creditors knocking on your door?
Need help to clean up your financial situation for 12 months or more?
Looking for financial relief until your situation improves?
Looking to purchase a large investment complex and need a big loan?
Do you have an unusual funding proposition that banks will not finance for?
We will look after your situation and locate the most appropriate Private Mortgage Lender for you!
Most private money lenders are specialists who engage in higher risk ventures and mortgages because they clearly understand both the opportunity and risk associated with selected mortgage types or market commercial segments.
Private Mortgage Lenders will not only fund projects the banks reject, they will creatively structure your loan repayments allowing them to be a very helpful short to long term financial resource.
The finance terms of these loans can either be for one month to one year, and often you are able to “capitalise” or pre-pay the interest on the loan during that term, so no need to worry about scheduled monthly payments.
Generally, private finance lenders will be more than happy to roll over the private loan at the end of the term for a further agreed period. Private Lenders will finance anywhere between 55% – 85% of the value of your property.
Why not allow the Australian Mortgage Centre facilitate your loan proposal with the most appropriate private mortgage lender to suit your unique situation. We have a large associated group of private finance money lenders that we can match up for our borrowers quickly.
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You will receive a confirmation email in the next 30 minutes. If you do not receive this email please contact our office on (02)80050585